Darin here. My wife just put up a very moving post about the first time that she got to see Brooks in person. I am including a few pictures of Brooks in the NICU. Now, I have to be honest -- there were babies in the NICU far worse off than Brooks, including a 1-pound baby that had a panoply of medical equipment surrounding her.
Anyway, life in the NICU is a continuous series of steps -- some forward, some backward. Every time I would visit, there would be some new development with Brooks, either with his oxygen, weight, or something else. One thing we learned very quickly about our son is that he developed the ability to take tubes out of his body. He managed to pull his IV tube out of almost everywhere they put it -- arms, feet, even his head. They finally had to run it through his umbilical cord!! He managed to get the oxygen tubes out several times as well. The NICU is kind of like a casino as well, in that you have all this electronic equipment buzzing, beeping, and making all sorts of noises with multicolored lights -- you just don't have a waitress coming around offering to get you drinks. There's also a lot more chatter than you would expect, at least in the NICU we were in. However, all the doctors and nurses were very nice and helpful any time we went in there.
Anyway, life in the NICU is a continuous series of steps -- some forward, some backward. Every time I would visit, there would be some new development with Brooks, either with his oxygen, weight, or something else. One thing we learned very quickly about our son is that he developed the ability to take tubes out of his body. He managed to pull his IV tube out of almost everywhere they put it -- arms, feet, even his head. They finally had to run it through his umbilical cord!! He managed to get the oxygen tubes out several times as well. The NICU is kind of like a casino as well, in that you have all this electronic equipment buzzing, beeping, and making all sorts of noises with multicolored lights -- you just don't have a waitress coming around offering to get you drinks. There's also a lot more chatter than you would expect, at least in the NICU we were in. However, all the doctors and nurses were very nice and helpful any time we went in there.
I have included a picture and video. The other voice you hear is Brooke's Uncle Jerry, who I actually met before I met Brooke (we played poker together at a couple of area casinos). Uncle Jerry is about the most calming person I have ever met -- Brooke cannot remember him ever raising his voice, and he has a great ability to calm Brooks, regardless of the situation.
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